Here are 7 factors about Impact of Coronavirus on Sleep , that needs your urgent attention during COVID-19 pandemic, before it kills your dream.
Coronavirus, a global pandemic, that has brought world economy and healthcare to stall. We are living through unprecedented times but circumstances never faced or thought of encountering in wildest of our dreams. Talking about dreams the Pandemic is deeply impacting our sleep and this further fueling all the stress and anxiety. It is important that this is recognized and we actively address this before it gets out of hand.
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👉 One the first victim of the lock-down has been the loss of our daily routine and thus our regular sleep wake cycle. While we have enjoyed the opportunity for prolonged naps in the beginning it can turn into an issue- it is very important that we stick a daily schedule and maintain a regular sleep wake cycle.

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👉 The Second one is; Not going out means loss of any physical exertion and thus you may need feel tired by the end of the day which is a key ingredient for good sleep– it is important we find ways of physical exertion and exercise while maintaining the lock down norms

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👉 The third crucial impact of coronavirus on sleep is: Many people are consuming excessive tea and coffee as they have easy access to it throughout the day- this can be detrimental for sleep and need to limit it specially towards the evening.

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👉 Fourth Crucial impact of Coronavirus on Sleep is: Many people have taken to consuming too much alcohol during this period to deal with the boredom. Believe it or not alcohol can play havoc with your sleep in the long run besides causing a range of social issues.

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👉 Fifth Crucial impact of Coronavirus on Sleep is: It has also been observed that people are binging on TV shows, Netflix and social media often till hours- we need to closely monitor our screen time and limit it after late evenings.

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👉 Sixth Crucial impact of Coronavirus on Sleep is: The most important problem that many seem to be facing is the losing a sense of purpose and thus not really looking forward to the next day ahead- this may be a perfect time to inculcate new hobbies or catch on books or explore some other ways of engagement, this is absolutely essential to understand this this too shall pass!

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👉 Seventh & the Last one: With so much uncertainty on so many fronts it is natural that everyone if facing a degree of anxiety- we all need to recognize this and develop our subtle defenses to deal with this as we shall be tested again things bounce back to normal and we need to build the strength now for it rather than be scarred by the current situation.

Respect your sleep in this anxious time, it will help to strengthen you in this critical phase, seek help if you are having any issues with it.